Vretenar, Maurizio

Maurizio Vretenar is an accelerator physicist who joined CERN in 1988 to take part in the design, construction, and operation of linear accelerators. From 2008 to 2017 he has been Project Leader for the construction of Linac4, the new 160 MeV linear injector for the CERN accelerator complex. Since 2013 he is engaged in a parallel activity as Coordinator of large EU-supported projects for joint particle accelerator R&D, taking responsibility of EuCARD-2, of ARIES, and of the new innovation-oriented IFAST. In recent years he has been increasingly active in the field of societal applications of accelerators, in particular in the medical field where he is presently leading the Next Ion Medical Machine Study (NIMMS), a new CERN initiative in the field of accelerators for cancer therapy with ions.